How to encrypt your text messages in flutter using Encrypt package


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  1. Install Encrypt package from
  2. Import your package import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart' as enc;
  3. Use the below code for encryption and decryption
  4. Point to remember key length should be either 32 lengths,64 length and 128 length
void encryption(String text) {
    final key = enc.Key.fromUtf8('my 32 length key................');

    final iv = enc.IV.fromLength(1);

    final encrypter = enc.Encrypter(AES(key));

    final encrypted = encrypter.encrypt(text, iv: iv);

    setState(() {
      encryptedText = encrypted.base64;

  void decrypt(String text) {
    final key = enc.Key.fromUtf8('my 32 length key................');

    final iv = enc.IV.fromLength(1);
    final encrypter = enc.Encrypter(AES(key));
    final decrypted = encrypter.decrypt64(text, iv: iv);
    setState(() {
      decryptedText = decrypted;