My React Js Learning Experence


2 min read

As you can see I made a mistake with my title(Experience). In the same way, I made a mistake by directly learning to react framework with very less knowledge of Javascript.

As a result I thought I am learning new things day by day by watching tutorials, but in reality, I am not. I made many clones apps, but in reality, I have very little confidence in my react js skills.

The very little knowledge of javascript always caused the reason for my low confidence, imposter syndrome, doing react js for months but not applying for any internships.

The Guide For React Developer By me So you don't waste Your Precious time.

  1. Learn HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT Completely This is the most important point, Students generally think that they know these 3 trios by heart but in reality, Students like me follow the tutorial and think they understand these things completely. pro tip please make the projects on your own and when you are getting errors please don't directly go to the tutorials for the solution, there are tons of ways of doing the same things who knows maybe your way is far good than the tutorial way, plus it increases your problem-solving ability.

  2. Learn All core concepts of javascript completely, like functions, chaining, oops, hoisting, the difference between var, let, and const, etc.

  3. When you have full confidence in these things (no matter what time you taken maybe you take 6 months or 3mothns it doesn't matter ) Students generally thought one month or 15 days is enough for these basic things, but only take one step forward when you are fully confident. Here confidence is important

  4. Now you follow the above steps, No matter what framework you want to learn, whether it is React or Angular it will be piece of cake for you.

Conclusion Things take time, so please be patient, as in INDIA, we have famous Proverb

सब्र का फल मीठा होता है which means

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

These all are my personal opinions, please share your opinion also,

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